Hello, my name is Bill Clark (a.k.a Robot-man)I'm
a auto mechanic by trade, specializing
in body and fender repair in the south jersey.
In my spare time I create sculptures out of old
auto parts. I was drawn to sculpting with
auto parts by spending my entire life working on
cars. For the past 25 years I have designed
hundreds of pieces ranging from robot dogs, cats, flowers, jazz musicians
and many other assorted sculptures, all made from auto parts.When I create
a piece in my minds eye, I see struts as arms and legs, gears as the abdomen,
bolts as eyes, and fan blades as feathers ...perfect for a robot turkey!
Each part is strategically positioned then
welded into place. After I create a sculpture
I'll have it sand blasted, then I paint it
with nice coat of automotive finish.